Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kids' Camp - the beginning

CCV takes kids seriously. The largest event we have every year is camp, it is held like clock work every year, the same time, 3rd week in July. People plan their vacations around it. We begin preparing in January and honestly could start in August. Last year we had almost 800 children and 300 volunteers in attendance. This year we are projecting even more.

Our theme this summer is BIG TOP. It is our plan to turn our building into a circus with tightrope walkers, lion tamers, elephants, and more! Our hope is to get kids so excited about being here that they bring their parents on Sunday to see their video and get their free shirt.

This year we are trying something new, we are utilizing our teens for as many components of camp as possible. In the past the worship team and drama teams consisted of mostly adult volunteers. This year we have a cast of very gifted and devoted teens that are in rehearsals right now. We are moving in the direction of utilizing our teens more and more for these large events as well as Sunday mornings.

Our elementary leader, Stephanie Carter, has a heart for this ministry. She is finding ways to integrate students into helping on stage, with tech., volunteering in the younger classrooms, and more.

As we continue to recruit for camp and work through this process I will keep you posted on our progress.

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