Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Insanity = Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

I've seen a lot of this lately. Sunday after church my family and I went out for lunch, it was pouring rain. As my children and I huddled under the awning of the restaurant waiting for my husband to pull the car up, we witnessed a sight that I've seen a few too many times lately. A mom was yelling at her kids trying to get them to hurry along. The longer they procrastinated, the louder she yelled, more fooling around, more yelling, and on went the cycle. Same scene, different characters. A teenager and her mother were at the grocery store. The teen wanted to go somewhere, mom said no, the girl whined, mom got louder, and so did the teen. At what point do we learn that the same approach to a situation usually produces the same outcome?

It got me to thinking about our approach to traditional Sunday morning teaching. We teach the same way over and over again, and somehow expect different results. We are fortunate here at CCV to have wonderfully creative teachers who are willing to try new things. They are risk takers and I am proud of what we are doing each weekend and especially excited about the direction we are headed. Different techniques are producing different results, some great, others not so, but it is fun trying new things.

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