Tuesday, April 29, 2008


A few weeks ago I was reading about the prophet Elijah. Here is a guy who is fleeing for his life. He sets out to climb Mount Sinai and talk to God. As he stands on the mountain top God sends a crazy windstorm, next he sends an earthquake, and follows the quake with a fire. Now these are God sized calamities, I can only imagine what it must have been like to stand at the top of the mountain and witness God's power through these storms. But the bible repeats, God was not in the wind, not in the earthquake, not in the fire. God shows up after all of these mighty acts in the sound of a gentle whisper.

As I was preparing to go out of town to a children's conference last week, I felt myself behaving like a natural disaster. Everywhere I went was rushed, too busy for my co-workers, husband, kids, friends. I was creating the perfect storm around me. When I got to this conference one of the speakers reminded me of the story I had just read.

Sometimes I get so busy with doing "God's work" that I forget to seek him out. I think if I can work a little harder, get a few more things checked off my list, connect with a few more volunteers, I will be worthy of the title I have been given. Funny thing is, I create this storm around me and God's not there. He just wants me to take some time to hear the gentle breeze of his whispers.

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