Monday, November 24, 2008


"How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?" 1 Thessalonians 3:9

I thought it would be appropriate to take a moment during this Thanksgiving week and thank my family for who they are and the joy they bring me.

Shannon- I am thankful for your friendship, your unending patience and love. You know the real me and love me in spite of it. You are kind and generous and I love spending my life with you.

Emma- Thank you for your kindness, you are a beautiful girl inside and out. I love watching you bring out the good in your friends and your brother (even when it is hard). You have the ability to find the good in all situations and your caring attitude changes those around you.

Ethan- I am thankful for your humor. Your smile has the ability to change my day. You are funny and smart and I love to listen to your stories. Thank you for the innosence in the way you spend your day.

God has blessed me with a wonderful family. I encourage you to take time during this week to let your family know how much they are loved by you.

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