Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yesterday my children and I were watching television when one of those funny wireless commercials came on. It was the one about being on vacation and not getting the call that the family was headed to a nude beach on accident. Well, in my family no question is off limits so my eight year old was full of them... "Why would anyone want to go naked on the beach?" "Wouldn't you get sunburned?" "Do you think they put sunscreen on their behinds?" You get the point....

Well I tried the route of "In other countries they do things differently." But my 5 year old piped up and stated that he thought it was inappropriate to be naked in front of other people. The statement was an interesting one because it was such a big word, I wondered if he even knew what it meant.

We discussed what it meant to be inappropriate and I was impressed and his ability to articulate what that means to a five year old. He was right on. I walked away with a clearer understanding that my kids are listening. They do hear the lessons I try to get across, and even when it appears that no one is home, they are.


Anonymous said...

Didn't you want to walk away and throw your arms up in the air and say "YES!!" I just don't talk to myself, they do really listen.

Anonymous said...

The first documented instance of God being disappointed with his humans was when he noticed that they were no longer naked.

datakcy said...

God's disappointment wasn't predicated on their attire, but their disobedience to his command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even children at a young age understand because of a God-provided conscience that there are things that are inappropriate and require modesty. As the world moves towards worshiping the creature more than the Creator, vanity, haughtiness, and pride are the inevitable results of lawless humanity.